Mast Sleeves for Fleet Colours

Set of four mast sleeves.
Mast sleeve installed, with other sleeves tucked underneath.

When a class is split into fleets for qualifying or finals, or when competing in team racing, they need to be identified by colours.

In the past, we used small sheets or ribbons of plastic, which were fastened with electrical or duct tape to spars.  Unfortunately, these sheets and tape would end up in the garbage after, and worse, sometimes found their way into our lakes. CORK tries to reduce single use plastics, and this year we have an alternative to the plastic sheets.

We now have sets of 4 fabric mast sleeves available for purchase, for those fleets that need them:

  • Optis for Team Racing and Opti International.
  • ILCA 6s at CORK International/OCR.
  • Club420s at CORK International/OCR.

The sleeve sets:

  • are reusable
  • sized for different masts:  Opti, ILCA, and Club420.
  • are in the standard fleet colours used in qualifying/final series at the vast majority of events worldwide: Yellow/Gold, Blue /Silver, Red/Bronze, and Green/Emerald.
  • are in a stretchy fabric.
  • stay attached to the mast without tape.
  • allow multiple sleeves to be put on the mast, with the one to be displayed pulled over the other(s).

They are $22.12 + HST and can be added to your registration for these events. Pre-purchased sets will be available for pickup at in-person registration at the Opti or CORK International/OCR events.

If you didn’t pay for a set when you registered, you can still pre-order a set of sleeves: click here for an Opti set, or click here for a Club420 or ILCA set.