Martin Rheaume first time at CORK

          (photo and story submitted by Martin Rheaume) My first time at CORK was quite an eye opener as I had only 4 years experience as a sailor. I came to CORK in 2003 with 5 others members of SailRA (now merged with Ottawa New Edinburgh...

Gary Jobson-First time at CORK

    (photo and story submitted by Gary Jobson) (photo from 1971.  I am standing behind my Finn with all the weight jackets I used to wear)         In 1971, at the age of 21, I drove my 1965 Pontiac with a borrowed Finn on a trailer to...

Robert Vagners-First time at CORK, CORK Fall Regatta 2012

(story and photo submitted by Robert Vagners) I volunteered to be the parent, chaperone and driver for 4 new sailors from QCYC participating in their first Fall CORK in 2012. It was also my first as a volunteer. The drive to Kingston from Toronto was uneventful,...

Robert Woodbury-First time at CORK

  (photos and story submitted by Robert Woodbury) I first attended CORK as an athlete in the OK Dinghy class in 1971. Jim Beckett sailed in that fleet as well if I remember correctly.  There were 56 boats (I might have these numbers a bit wrong). Four did not...
First time at CORK-Jim Beckett

First time at CORK-Jim Beckett

(Photo and Story submitted by Jim Beckett) I arrived in Canada on Friday 13th February 1964, after a crossing delayed 3 days by gales, to take up a post at the Biological Station in St. Andrews. As the weather warmed I learnt that there was no dinghy racing locally....