Photo: Blanche Battersby (left), Ron Rubadeau (right)

Congratulations to Blanche Battersby and Ron Rubadeau the winners of the Douglas Heath Award for 2019!

Douglas Austin Heath was a long time volunteer with CORK. His involvement included being on the Board of Directors and Executive, administration of Opening and Closing Ceremonies, long term developments and much more. In his honour, the Douglas A. Heath Award is presented annually –when appropriate- at CORK. In deciding upon a recipient, the Award selection committee considers a volunteer’s involvement, level of commitment, type of contribution and length of involvement. It is intended that the involvement be of a quality comparable to that of Douglas A. Heath.  Douglas Heath was the epitome of an outstanding volunteer. Each year, as appropriate we honour his memory and one of our many outstanding volunteers by awarding the Douglas Heath Award.

Blanche is as much a part of the CORK experience as the sailing itself. An organization could not have a more valued and valuable volunteer than Blanche Battersby, her energy, positive “can do” attitude and compassion is an inspiration to us all. Congratulations Blanche!

Ron’s 20 years of service as a conscientious race officer and a significant contributor to the evolution of the whole CORK organization is highly valued by all who have worked alongside him.  Congratulations Ron!

Thank you Blanche and Ron for your immense contributions to CORK– This honour is so very well deserved!

CORK hosts annual events in August and September. The 2020 schedule is posted online.




For more information

CORK website:

CORK Regatta Office: (613)-545-1322


Address: Portsmouth Olympic Harbour 53 Yonge Street, Kingston Ontario


