Congratulations to Peter van Muyden, the 2024 Recipient of The Tim Irwin Award for Exceptional Service!
Apr 15, 2024

CORK/Sail Kingston is extremely pleased to announce the recipient of the Tim Irwin Award for Exceptional Service for 2024 is Peter van Muyden!
The Tim Irwin Award for Exceptional Service was first awarded in 2021, and is intended to recognize volunteers who have been of exceptional service to CORK in one or more areas of endeavour; it is not necessarily awarded every year.
This year’s winner, Peter van Muyden, has acted as PRO, RO, Mentor and Marksetter at CORK for more than 15 years.
Peter has contributed vastly behind the scenes, leading a revamp of our Scoring processes and documentation which have led to improving the accuracy and speed of getting the results in front of the competitors. He then helped with the training materials to teach new scoring volunteers.
Peter has volunteered as CORK’s Race Lead on our Planning committee since fall 2020 and has helped us hit a new standard for sailing instructions, minimizing last minute amendments as well as assisting in many other areas as required.
While travelling the world as an IRO, Peter has brought back souvenirs to our Planning Committee … innovations that have helped CORK provide the best in class service to our customers. Three areas of note:
- has streamlined equipment changes, protests, and scoring inquiries, with less paper and no Public Address announcements.
Whatsapp has provided us with a record of key events on the water, and equally important updates and impromptu social gathering invites for our volunteers.
The trolling motor add-ons for pin boats is simply the best thing since sliced bread, especially if you happen to be the designated anchor hauler on said pin boat.
These are just the highlights of the Service to CORK by this year’s winner.
My most heartfelt congratulations and thank you to International Race Officer, Peter van Muyden.
Paul Brennan, 2024 AGM