CORK participants

Are you looking to update, re certify or add to your skills this spring?   We have several suggestions with locations across the country to get you started.   NOW is the time to register!


Race Officer Training 

Register for these courses now at

Ontario Sailing 

Level 1&2 Race Officer Course Nepean Sailing Club  

Mar 17, 2018


Level 1 Assistant Race Officer Course Port Credit Yacht Club Mar 24, 2018
Level 1 Assistant Mark Layer Course Port Credit Yacht Club Apr 21, 2018



Sailwave Training  

Basic Scoring — July 4-5 2018 (Wed. & Thurs. evenings)

The Basic course will provide an overview of the scoring process using race information from the Vipers 640 North American Championships

Advanced Training — July 7-8 2018 (Sat. & Sun. during the day)

The Advanced course will cover the setting up flights and fleets, daily re-setting during the qualifying series, and potential issues related to scoring qualifying and final series using race information from the Laser Master Canadians

Register at


Maritime Radio

The Canadian Power and Sail Squadron 

The Canadian Power and Sail Squadron is offering Maritime Radio courses across the country this spring.


First Aid

St John Ambulance

Is it time to re certify your first aid?    Would you like to take a first aid course?  Take a refresher CPR course?


CORK hosts annual events in August and September. The complete 2018 schedule is now posted online.


Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @CORKKingston

CORK website:

CORK Regatta Office: (613)-545-1322


Address: 53 Yonge Street, Kingston Ontario