2019 Volunteer Registration is now open!

Join the Team in 2019! CORK celebrates 50 years next year.   There are many championships and special events planned including two World Championships! 2019 Summer Event Schedule Would you like to get involved and volunteer for an International event? Since 1969 CORK...

Charter Boats for the 2019 Season

Do you have a boat that you would like to charter in the 2019 season? Are you looking for a Charter Boat in the 2019 season?  Whether it is a RHIB, motorboat or sailboat (especially Optimists, Radials and Lasers),  the CORK website is a great resource to help you to...

Cork nominé pour un prix!

Cork/Sail Kingston a été nominé pour un prix d'excellence de la chambre de commerce du grand Kingston! Ce prix de l'hospitalité touristique de l'année est parrainé par Tourism Kingston. Les prix seront remis le jeudi 8 novembre au four points Kingston....

CORK nominated for an Award!

CORK/Sail Kingston has been nominated for a Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce  Business Achievement Award! This Tourism Hospitality Award of the Year is sponsored by Tourism Kingston. The awards will be presented on Thursday, November 8th at the Four Points...

Jour 2 de régate d'automne de Liège

C'est un wrap pour 2018!  Cork aimerait commencer par remercier tous les compétiteurs, entraîneurs, parents et bénévoles de se rendre à Kingston ce week-end et tout au long de la saison 2018! 350 participants de 4 pays ont fait de la régate d'automne de Liège...