2023 WASZP Americas Championship

June 28 – July 3 2023

WASZP Americas Championship


To review current Concussion Awareness information and requirement, check the Ontario Sailing website: https://ontariosailing.ca/concussion-information/

  1. All participants (athletes and coaches under the age of 26) who registers with or enters a regatta must:
    • Confirm you have read a Ministry Approved Concussion Awareness Resource.
    • Confirm you have reviewed, and committed to, the appropriate Ontario Sailing Concussion Code of Conduct

Official Notice Board – click here

The Official Notice Board is located on RacingRulesOfSailing.org. Please click on the link above. Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions will be posted on the Official Notice Board. To register, see the list of competitors, volunteer, or view results, please click on the links below.

Registration & List of Competitors

Volunteer Registration
