Dec 2, 2020
(photos and story submitted by Sarah Douglas) My first CORK was in 2004, I was 10 years old and I was racing the Optimist with the Lake Ontario Optimist Team. I finished 39th overall of 90 competitors. I remember fearing the windy days but having a blast...
Nov 18, 2020
(Photos and Chapter submitted by Ted Weihe) Here is chapter six in my book: Sailing in My Time: A Lifelong Passion for Cruising and Racing. It describes the International 14s at the CORK regatta in 1976 It blew like hell and every other class wisely cancelled racing...
Nov 11, 2020
(Story submitted by Antonia Lewin-LaFrance) CORK is wonderful, so I’m really happy to share my first experience: My first CORK was in 2012. I was 15, sailing club 420 (as skipper, my crew was Taylor Shaw) for the Squadron team under the infamous Federico Lopez....
Oct 28, 2020
(photo and story submitted by Ali ten Hove) I grew up in the amazing sailing community of Kingston which provided me with the rich experience of world-class sailing right in my own backyard. CORK was the highlight event every summer that I would look forward to and...
Sep 30, 2020
(photo and story submitted by Martin Rheaume) My first time at CORK was quite an eye opener as I had only 4 years experience as a sailor. I came to CORK in 2003 with 5 others members of SailRA (now merged with Ottawa New Edinburgh...
Sep 16, 2020
(photo and story submitted by Gary Jobson) (photo from 1971. I am standing behind my Finn with all the weight jackets I used to wear) In 1971, at the age of 21, I drove my 1965 Pontiac with a borrowed Finn on a trailer to...